Photo Credit: Andrew Fulton

Erika Cheung

Erika is the current Executive Director of Ethics in Entrepreneurship, a non-profit on a mission to embed ethical questioning, culture and systems in startups and innovation ecosystems. Her combined experience working in venture capital as well as insights working as a medical researcher in biotech drove her to launch the non-profit.Notably, Erika is recognized for her role as a whistleblower in the Theranos scandal, where she reported to regulators exposing the biotech startup's faulty technology and unsafe patience practices. This account is extensively covered by the media 60-minutes, HBO, ABC, her federal trial testimony, and more.

Ethics in Entrepreneurship

Ethics in Entrepreneurship is creating an outsourced ethics department for startups and innovation ecosystems.

Responsible Innovation Services Coalition

RISC is marketplace and professional association for responsible innovation professionals.

Lucha Ventures

Lucha Ventures dives into the stories, techniques, cultures, and adventures of combat sports and martial arts practitioners.

Public Speaking & Workshops

Erika Cheung is a dynamic public speaker who shares deep insights into Theranos, whistleblowing, speak-up cultures and ethics in innovation. With expertise in tech, venture capital, and speak-up culture, she engages audiences across industries with her profound knowledge and experiences.

Cross-Border Ethics and Responsible Investing

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